Grey Chevron

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013
The First Letter!
"I am Loving the MTC! My companion is Sister Miller from Alaska.  We are good companions, I think.  I know what pople say now about seeing friends, I have seen Elder Clover, Elder Black (Alyssa's Cousin), Elder Goronson, and Elder Whitlock! ...
...We are learning to briefly teach the Restoration, after today I will have investigator scenarios and actual teaching experience,  I can't believe it's only been 2 days.  One day at a time to strive to learn and study and to teach.  I have felt the spirit and I want to thank you for your support!"

 Wednesday, July 26, 2013

Grandpa took us to IHOP for Breakfast (Rachel's favorite meal of the day).  We gave Rachel the CTR Ring we had ordered for her.  Every missionary needs one, right?
 We rushed back home and finished the final packing and Rachel got ready.  She said good-bye to her favorite guy, Buddy.  Then hauled her massive suitcases out to the van.  She wanted to take some pictures outside the Provo Temple for a few minutes before she reported to the MTC.

We took pictures at the Provo Temple and she was able to say good-bye to Grandpa.  We were able to get a couple of pictures at the curb and then she was gone before we knew it.  As we drove out of the MTC we could hear the missionaries welcoming her to the MTC and asking her where she was going.  We knew she was in great hands!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Setting Apart-Spanish Fork East Stake Center

What a wonderful night.  We were all able to talk to Rachel and share our feelings for her.  The spirit was so strong and wonderful.  It was so nice to have our Bishopric there.  They have always been so supportive of our family.  President Dunn gave Rachel a wonderful blessing during her setting apart.  What a special night!